Name: Pam Lipscomb Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Washington, DC!! Time: 1997-04-11 13:32:00 Comments: Call me Nutbunnie b/c I am such a big fan of F! that I am having my mom tape it for me until I move (in June) to a location that carries the Cartoon Network! =) |
Name: john d. knox Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: san jose,ca. Time: 1997-04-09 10:46:00 Comments: oooh,lady! Why'd you make with the back browse? Too hurt, I am, to make with the witty banter! Froinlaven! |
Name: The Cathster(Cathyzoid) Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Citrus hieghts, Ca Time: 1997-04-07 17:15:00 Comments: .....hmm. I need more rope. ..Oh, Hi. :D Hey there my fellow "Throw-myself-infront-of-a-truck-for-Freakazoid-because-I-am-so-loyal" Freakfans! ah, crud. I can't believe that they(Aka:fiendish,neanderthal ninnies) canceled our favorite blue complected, bacon bits tote-ing, red underwear wearing Freakboy!:C Oh, tragedy of the century!And then they put it on the cartoon network at the crack o' dawn, and me without cable! ARRrghh!(Yes, not a good time to be cable impaired) Well, at least it is good to know that F! lives on for me through these nifty websites( and the videotapes that I will beg my friend to record..hehe(thanks melon)) Weeell, maybe if we clap real hard, he'll come back! :D ** clap clap "HUGBEES!" clap clap** .....or not.well, I tried :/ Well, I guess it's time for me to make my exit- so don't forget to Freak out! Love ya,mwah!, Cathy PS. To all the people responsible for all these neato F! sites: You're awesome! :D ... and Paul Rugg, You're my hero!!! I love ya F!or life! and to Jeanatte(my sailormoon bud)& and Jeannie(the Bean-azoid): Shindig! Knickerbockers! And Kwantzu(free beer)!...there. Are you happy now?-it's on the net. and really, I am wearing blue socks, seriously! |
Name: David Riches Website: Referred by: Net Search From: Etobicoke, Ontario,Canada Time: 1997-03-29 12:27:00 Comments: Freak-a-you! |
Name: Christie Rees Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Misery...aka Missouri Time: 1997-03-27 10:45:00 Comments: Helloooooo fellow Freak-a-fans!! It deeply saddens me that they cancelled such a fine show!!! Freakazoid is my hero!! Isn't he the cutest cartoon character!!? I wish they had some merchandise for me to remember him by!! I had to settle with making my own Freakazoid sweatshirt, and everyone wondered where I got it!! Ah, well, at least he is captured forever on my video tapes, in my pictures, and in my heart!! (sentimental, huh!) I'm gonna marry him some day! I love ya Freak!! |
Name: Steph Website: Sereenie's Picture Gallery! Referred by: Word of Mouth From: Well, you know, so I don't need to tell! Time: 1997-03-20 14:13:00 Comments: Huh... I deserve to be grounded: I hadn't had signed your guestbook yet... I'm so mean! Well, I did it now, so my conscience will forever stay in peace... Uh... OK! I'm weird, but you knew that already! So, what can I say about F!??? I mean, that guy's pretty cool, but I can't even see him! AAAAAAARRRRRGH! I guess I should write to YTV to have it aired in Canada too, so this way you would get more people to your page! (See, I am still trying to be forgiven!) OK, I know, I don't make much sense, so I guess I'd better finish this here! Good luck with operation DEXTER! *hugs and kisses* Steph =:) |
Name: Chew Kian Zi Website: nil Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Singapore Time: 1997-03-15 06:37:00 Comments: I love Freakzoid. MUUUUUUUCK! *big kiss |
Name: Jason Armstrong Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Perth Western Australia Time: 1997-03-04 08:32:00 Comments: Hello NOOOOOOO How can they do this to me!!!! (sorry... to us) I don't even have any merchandising to help remember him. Freak Out! Freakason Armzoid |
Name: Alfredo Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Ontario, Canada Time: 1997-03-02 09:36:00 Comments: Gone but not forgotten. |
Name: Hugbees!!! Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Lake Jackson Texas Time: 1997-02-26 19:25:00 Comments: I am pretty ticked off that they canceled F! and Earthworm Jim and Road Rovers! What is up with the WB network? |
Name: Athena of Axetron Website: Athena's Earthworm Jim Shrine Referred by: NewsGroups From: Axetronia, Axetron Time: 1997-02-26 17:43:00 Comments: Kewl page. I miss Freak! Waaaah! :( |
Name: Laurie Website: Freakazoid and Friends (you were just there...hee hee) Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Bradford, Ma Time: 1997-02-26 12:37:00 Comments: Just testing this out. If you guys want to use this as a bulletin board, then go ahead. :) |