Welcome to the tid-bit room. I'm attempting to organize all the information sent to me. So far,
I have these little bits of info:
As well as some suggestions for what to put here.
The contributors to this page have been given credit. I used their intials
by the info they gave, so here's the who's who of the bunch:
- JW = Jaime J. Weinman, (jacjud@netcom.ca)
- EC = Eric O. Costello, (eocostello@aol.com)
- RM = Richard Manning (dafox@engin.umich.edu)
- NM = Nicola "Ditzi" Makela (ditzi_warner@hotmail.com)
- CR = Christie Rees (warner_sib@hotmail.com)
- JO = Joby O'Brien ("Xakko Warner") (xakko@buffnet.net)
- LL = Laurie LeBlanc (labean@hotmail.com)
The Error in "Freakazoid is History" :
The depiction [of] the cause of WWII [is inaccurate] (Pearl Harbour didn't "start" WWII, it just
brought America into a war that had been going on for two years
already) -JW
Further to Jaime's point re Pearl Harbor/WWII
Even if we suppose da Freak had stopped the Japanese from attacking Pearl
Harbor, there still would have been Manila, Guam and Wake to consider.
The US would have declared war anyway. About the only difference is there
wouldn't have been quite the shock value (and revenge value) of Pearl
Harbor, and there would have been more battleships for the US to use. The
last is of doubtful utility, as the case of the Prince of Wales and
Repulse demonstrated a few days after Pearl Harbor, and the fact that the
remaining battleships did little during the first eight months of the war
(they were kept behind at Midway because they were too slow). The big
guys like the South Dakota, Washington, North Carolina didn't come on line
until later in '42, and still later came the even bigger Wisconsin, New
Jersey and Iowa.
So pretty much all Freak did was save a bunch of big, useless large
objects. Well, that might explain what happened to Rush Limbaugh.... - EC
Don't forget the Massachusetts ('42, South Dakota class, still preserved in
Boston Harbor), or the Missouri ('44, Iowa class). And most likely the
battleships would have been sent to the Atlantic, where they WOULD have been
(Don't forget that, eventually, only the Arizona and Oklahoma were wiped out
permanently... all of the other battleships that were in harbor on 12-7-41
were salvaged and rebuilt, and saw a great deal of action in the Pacific.)
>So pretty much all Freak did was save a bunch of big, useless large
>objects. Well, that might explain what happened to Rush Limbaugh....
Well, I know some sailors who would dispute that... but that's another
story. ;-) - RM
The Cast Fight:
From what I can tell it sounds like
Tress MacNeille and Rob Paulsen arguing, with someone with a monotone
(possibly a news reporter?) in the background mumbling stuff while a
bunch of sound effects are also thrown in. I really can't tell what
Tress is saying (I think maybe she started it out with "I'm the boss
here!"), but I've made some guesses as to what Rob said:
"I'm the boss here! I've got a parking space with my name
on it, sister! (????) right now! (????)! I have my own parking
space, you do not! I drive" "your car."
Heh now I *know* "your car" doesn't make sense but that's just what it
sounded like as far as I could tell. Unless there's some hidden joke
to it... - NM
You can also see Emmit Nervend there too. - LL
So how old is Dexter/Freakazoid anyway?
In the very first
episode, "Dance of Doom", Dexter's mom makes the observation, "...but you're
only sixteen!" This works out fine, until one of the later episodes...namely,
"The Chip, Part I", the one that begins to tell the story of Freakazoid's
origins. In this episode, Roddy comes to Dexter's house to find him, claiming
he's Dexter's insurance agent. Debbie Douglas, Dexter's mom, who answered the
door, says, "...but he's only seventeen!"
Now, this may seem logical since "The Dance of Doom" came before "The
Chip",.....buuuuuuut, in "The Dance of Doom", Dexter was already able to become
Freakazoid, and "The Chip" looked back BEFORE that when Dexter FIRST became
Freakazoid.......so......Dexter seems to be getting......younger...!!?!?! Well,
anything's possible, I suppose, but this was a simple mistake that anyone could
make with a series of shows, especially if they include flashbacks! But, given
that they probably meant for Freakazoid/Dexter's age to be seventeen, that's the
age, I thought of him as. And then, in "The Freakazoid", Freakazoid celebrated
his birthday, and though never saying which one it was, we can assume it was his
eighteenth, which is fine with me because I'm also eighteen!!
Whew! Well, there it is....sorry it's so long, but I had to make sure to
explain it thoroughly so everyone could see the mistake...!!
- A list of Emmit Nervend cameos: when and where he appears. (I tried
myself once, but I had trouble doing the descriptions; however, from
Keeper I ascertained that Emmit's appearance in the title sequence
counts as one of the times you're supposed to "find" him.)
- Anachronisms, nits, misrepresentations, in other words ANY inaccuracy
is fair game in such cases. As Jessica pointed out, the depiction of the
D.C. area in the show is totally inaccurate; so is the depiction of such
things as: the cause of WWII (Pearl Harbour didn't "start" WWII, it just
brought America into a war that had been going on for two years
already), the way nuclear warheads are activated and de-activated, etc,
- How about the career highlights of all the many guest stars F! has
had, not just the obvious ones like Montalban and Freberg but also such
lumnaries as Rose Marie (Sally on "The Dick Van Dyke Show"), Clive
Revill (Fagin in the first American production of the musical
"Oliver!"), and so forth.
- Continuity goofs. Always a source of nits to pick. -JW
since Rob Paulsen is often credited as "himself", it would be interesting
if someone could hunt down every voice he's performed in the show
or other voice actor references, like "jeff" being next on the list of
people to see F! in "the freakazoid", and then the huntsman, voiced by
jeff bennett, asking a favor. - JO