Welcome to the Gateway! This little nook in cyberspace serves as a crossroads. See, there are many pages about there that give the details of the maintainer and all, but I made one of those so, I figured I'd make something different. Here, you can pick a guide to take you a little spot he or she can call home on the 'net. In fact, these pages (though some are on different servers) are ones I made in honor of my favorite characters of mine.
And now...here are your guides!
Carmen Sandiego - the world's greatest thief
lives here in her posh abode, the Sandiego Manor. Come by and visit,
there are many treasures there to discover. Just don't
tell Zack and Ivy about this place.
Freakazoid! -
The wacky superhero with the wild hair who sometimes forgets his own limits!
He was created in cyberspace, so fittingly enough he has a few hangouts-
including his own little on-line fan club!
Megara and Hades My two fave characters from Disney's Hercules have their own page here. It's small, but I just wanted
a little tribute to them. :)
Like to hear some midis from Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame ? Well, visit my Hunchback Midi Page and listen to them!
Well, that's about it for now. Thanks for stopping by!
(If you are interested in learning about me a little more, go here for a little about me and my other interests.) Who knows? Maybe someday this site will have more. :)